Monday, March 24, 2014

Captain America 3 vs Superman & Batman Who is going to Fly Away?

For sometime now Superman & Batman along with Captain America 3 is  confirmed to be released on the same day. Now I'm going to explain who have a better chance of staying on the same date.

Man of Steel expectations 

Personally I loved Man Steel  more than most Marvel movies but that's not saying everybody who walked out of theater after Man Steel loved it more than me. Many people and critics had mixed feelings of Man Steel. Will the half of the people who either had mixed feelings or dislike Man of Steel will go out to see a squeal before watching Captain America 3 first? To me it all depends how good enough the trailer for Batman & Superman and how audience reactions are. Seeing DC's track record of doing shocking casting announcements and the disappointing delay half of the audience have been underwhelm of seeing another DC movie.

Marvel's Cinematic Universe Establishment 

Thanks to Kevin Fiege and many dedicated directors especially Josh Wedon have already establish a cinematic universe which the audience have already grew to know about. DC however, only have one DC movie to start their cinematic universe. Hell even FOX is even doing a shared universe with Fantastic Four and X-Men. Sony is even doing a Spider-Man universe with the use of his villains and the heroes. If Superman & Batman becomes a critical and audience reaction success its most likely the audience will choose Superman & Batman first over Captain America. If not than people will go out to see another Marvelous Marvel movie.

 Anticipating Long Wait 

 Remember that 2015 announcement yeah me too....Either if your a DC or Marvel fan  who just want go inside the theater and trash talk the movie let's be honest we all have been anticipating for a Batman & Superman movie. Many fans have been wanting a Superman & Batman to clash or work to together on the big screen since announcement of Superman Returns probably longer than that. Also this is the movie that will give us access to explore other DC characters. Hopefully a Wonder Woman (movie), Flash, Aqua Man and  a entire Justice League film.

If you want hear some funny Superman & Batman trash talk from both Captain America Cast especially from Samuel Jackson and Anthony Mackie! click the link below.;postID=4208240290625841500;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=0;src=postname

So I want to know you're thoughts who should stay and who should go Superman & Batman or Captain America 3.

So please Leave a comment  and follow me on the Daily Renegade.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Ready to be bitten by American Vampire Second Cycle

American Vampire Second Cycle #1 written by Scott Snyder and Rafel Albugerque has return after a year long wait. Set in the mid-60s (1965) the dawn of the Cold War, counterculture movement and the civil rights era, sets another dark adventure for Pearl Jones and Skinner Sweet.  American Vampire returns this Wednesday so make sure to pick up your copy to day at a comic book store near yours!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Incredibles 2 Story Predictions

THE INCREDIBLES 2 Story Predictions

Disney/Pixar has confirmed that a Incredibles 2 is development by the same screenwriters and directors that made the first one. So with all full speculation here are my three story predictions where I think the next Incredibles movie should be.

  1. Mature The Characters 

It will be interesting to see the Incredibiles in the next twelve or thirteen years in the future. It will be cool to see a  older Mr & Mrs Incredible, Dash chasing girls in High School, Violet a freshmen in college and baby Jack-Jack finally have some sort of personality than being just the "baby." As the parents get older I like to see the siblings to be older as well. This will allow the Incredibles to not just explore family problems but probably explore teen problems also. 

2. The Antagonist 

Friday, March 21, 2014

The Top Anticipated Video Game Movie adaptions

The Last of Us                                      

Love it or hate it its coming soon to theater near yours anyway. Naughty Dog announced weeks ago that a Last of Us film is in development. Due to the success of the game Sony will take there chances of green-lighting a movie adaptation. While I'm excited of any Last of Us announcement, the true question is a movie adaptation really necessary? The video game the Last is already have a dramatic movie experience to it. And making a movie that probably won't capture the intense character development like in the game and also trying to squeeze in a 2 hr movie just seems will be point less. The good news for this announcement is mentioned that Naughty Dog executives will be involved in the movie so this dose give me hope of the potential for this movie.

Splinter Cell 

Like the most of Tom Clancy's political spy novels all of them have a good spot in a Hollywood cinematic action movie. We see it all the time with Jack Ryan series and the Bourne series but how about Sam Fisher? Sam Fisher a Black Ops Agent who is also apart of a sub-division for the NSA. That alone sounds like a block buster hit in the waiting. The scary side of this movie being possibly being made is will it turn out to become a generic action movie? "Cough" Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit....Splinter Cell stories flows well in a video game where a decent or great story matter and gameplay is the key essential element of the game. But can Splinter Cell adapt well in a 2hr film ? I can see in the future many critics will complain of the plot of Splinter Cell being a cliche spy/secret agent action thriller movie. Splinter Cell game wise is amazing but in movie wise how will Splinter Cell differentiate themselves of just being a bland action  movie.  
Also it has been announced that director Doug Liam is in talks to direct a Splinter Cell movie. The same director over Mr and Mrs. Smith and Bourne Identity. So let's wait of what will Doug Liam flavor will be for Splinter Cell. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Hush in the new Batman Arkham Game?

 Warner Bros link a image of Hush on their Facebook page, which is causing every Batman fan including myself to speculate could Hush  be the main villain for the next Arkham game. The last time we saw Hush was after the events of finishing Hush's side mission in Batman Arkham City. Hush also known as Timothy Elliot reveals his transformed face to Batman looking like Bruce Wayne. Hush taught Batman and leaves Arkham City but more importantly leaving Batman behind. Will the next Batman game take place of Hush revealing his new identity that he is "Bruce Wayne" to the people of Gotham City?  If so than this will cause major conflict to Batman's character but more importantly to Bruce Wayne reputation. Just like in the comics Hush main goal is to ruin Bruce Wayne's image, his success and more importantly his parents business. I think Hush is interesting and a underrated character. Hush is widely known from comic fans but to a major audience who don't read comics, not so much. I think using villain such as Hush will be more unique and original instead of keep milking the same villains like the Joker over and over again. However, we only known so little as for right now. Rocksteady promised us that will give us more interesting news next month. Hopefully a trailer or epic concept art? Oh the possibilities.