Thursday, September 18, 2014

Deadpool X-Men Spin-off has been confirmed!

2hrs ago Fox announced that a Deadpool is confirmed it will be released in February 12th 2016. Deadpool movie will come out before X-Men Apocalypse. Causing many comic book movies to dominate in the 2016 box office such as Batman V Superman, Captain America 3, Sinister Six movie, Venom movie, Dr. Strange movie, and a possible Shazam movie. Ever since that awful introduction of him in X-Men Origins: Wolverine its time do justice for the character but thankfully because X-Men Origins: Wolverine is supposed to be ignored because of the alternated timeline of Days of Future Past were going to have a different Wade Wilson than what we saw in Wolverine Origins. Deadpool will have a brand new storyline and whole new redeeming start. Hopefully the Merc with the Mouth won't be silenced like he was last time, so now we can finally see the true psychotic side of Deadpool but not have to disregard the funny and witty side of him. FOX has the chance to bring a obscure violent comic book character that can have the potential to break the forth wall. Ever since Guardians of the Galaxy the audience are willing to give a try many other unique characters that you can never image seeing the on big screen. Because of Deadpool's action packed and funny nature, there are many none comic book reading-movie going demographics that can possible gravitate for such a hysterical character. Ryan Renolds will also return for the character once again to show the audience Ryan Renolds is serious enough show the moments of Deadpool, which we will love to see.  It also unconfirmed if this movie will be rated R or PG-13 but if I wanted to bet my money on gambling table I bet my money that Deadpool movie will be rated PG-13 so FOX can reach for wider audience than a limited audience.

So overall want do you think of the news are you excited for a Deadpool movie? If so comment below.

Follow the Renegade on Google+ and my plus account Johnny Boy.

Friday, September 12, 2014

This Week Superhero Movie Roundup: Bat-Mobile, A Possible Legions of Superheroes Movie, A Darker Venom Movie , Spider-Man possibly in Sinister Six, Charles Xavier being Bald in the Upcoming X-Men Apocalypse Movie

1. My Thoughts on the Bat-Mobile.

 This are full image of the Bat-Mobile which  is mainly combined with Nolan's Tumbler and Batman Arkham Knight Bat-Mobile. Many people complain that the Bat-Mobile dose not look like a "Mobile" enough which I think there are far behind that kind of dated style. Mobile should have more a combat look and darker tone that carries to the character of Batman. To me it would be silly for Batman to ride in a car that  resembles the looks of the older Batman movies. Its time innovate Batman's Mobile to look and feel more tactical that will help him to face off his possible greatest ally Superman.

2.  A Possible Legions of Superheroes Movie 

Believe or not but thanks to Guardians of the Galaxy success many Movie Studios are willing to green light lesser known characters regardless is either Marvel or DC. This time we are in a age that we can possibly have a Legions of Superheroes movie which I never thought seeing in a movie theater all my life aside only looking it on paper.  Now this is only a rumor surrounding Warner Bros. that they have plans for a Legion of Superhero movie alongside characters within the Justice League and Shazam movie. Well if this rumor is true than this has to be the greatest announcement from Warner Bros. DC must reach out to other lesser known superhero characters that are not involved with Batman or Superman. This is the only way that DC can build more movies and establish a wider diverse cinematic universe that can branch out not just the Justice League. If  Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice becomes a smashing hit, which I hope it dose, be willing to see many DC comic characters that the average movie going audience have never heard of before.

3. A Dark & Gritty Venom Movie 

A Standalone Venom Spin-Off Movie have rumor to be in the works for a long time but as Sony have been withholding Spider-Man from Marvel its looks like that Venom movie will become a actual possibility. Now rumor has it that Venom also known as Eddie Brock will be more of a darker portrayal  of the Spider-Man Movie Universe. Which works for a just a standalone movie, you can't have a Venom movie that has a light hearted tone similar to the Amazing Spider-Man 2 tone and Guardians of the Galaxy it just wouldn't work. To make a Venom movie you got morph it to be more of a maturer and more of a serious tone. Eddie Brock is looked upon to many fans of the character as a tragic character, who once combined with the Venom symbiote he becomes a living monster that Spider-Man himself has a hard time trying to stop. But Venom isn't viewed as a villain Venom is also a anti-hero in many occasions who just have darker needs to hurt the enemy he despise. Many ways a Venom movie can also have ties and create the character Carnage also known as Cletus Kasady. Cletus meets Eddie Brock inside a prison when Eddie Brock's Venom symbiote morphs onto Celuts and creates a asexual red symbiote suit that once combined turns him even more into a mass murdering psychotic. Who is mainly worse than Venom because  Carnage is basically a character who has no morals. So a darker tone Venom Spin-off movie with ties of Carnage is defiantly not for the little Spider-Man kiddies but will attract more to the teen and young adult Spider-Man fans and moviegoers. I'm hoping Venom movie won't be afraid to show darker aspects and characters within the Spider-Man universe which also can lead to more mature storytelling for the character.

4. Sinister Six....with Spider-Man 


Many speculated that Spider-Man who wouldn't be Sinister Six which I doubted for a very long time. You can't have a Sinister Six movie and not have some sort of protagonist that will even the odds. Well two days ago Andrew Garfield  addressed a statement saying:

 I know more than I’m allowed to say right now. I can say I’m really excited about Drew Goddard, who’s going to be writing and directing The Sinister Six movie. And whether I’m involved in that or not is kind of immaterial   

Mainly directors or Sony Studio overall wouldn't talk to the actors about a movie there not involved in and after reading Andrew's comment in the beginning it looks like Spider-Man could be featured in the movie but the bigger question how much screen time Spider-Man has? The Sinister Six that consist of various Spidey Villains such as Doc Ock, Rhino, Electro, Sandman, Mysterio and Kraven the Hunter and Vulture should have more time to develop as a team. So the audience can relate and understand there daring goals. If not than we have a Spider-Man 3 and Amazing Spider-Man 2 dilemma where the villains don't have time develop and the plot of the movie becomes over saturated because of too many villains and subplots. It weakens the plot of the movie and character development with each character. I'm still skeptical how well that Sinister Six will turn out as a full fledged super villain movie but looks like I have to see a trailer to understand the overall whole concept.

5. Charles Xavier Possibly Going Bald 

James McAvoy addressed that he might be going Bald for the Upcoming X-Men Apocalypse movie coming in the year May of 2016. X-Men Apocalypse will be centered around in the 1980s where the X-Men will have to fight off a much bigger Global threat bigger than the events X-Men First Class and  X-Men Days of Future Past. Without a doubt Professor X and Magneto exception of Wolverine of course, will be older. And the older the original X-men seem to be  the newer the X-Men will appear. This will lead to many younger familiar X-Men such as Cyclops, Jean Grey, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Storm, Iceman and Angel and many more. A new Uncanny team of X-Men will have to come together and defeat a Apocalyptic threat that will harsh the entire world. A greater kind of threat I'm really looking forward on May.

If you want to hear the words out of James McAvoy's interview watch the Hufftonpsot the link below at 

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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Rock confirms that he is Black Adam! Also with a Brief Personal Thoughts from Johnny.


Since a week of guessing and a long months of rumors Dwayne Rock Johnson has finally confirmed the most anticipated news on his Twitter Page that he will play Shazam's arch nemesis Black Adam. If your not familiar with the Black Adam character, Black Adam mainly obtains the same powers that of Shazam. Black Adam is also is the ruler of a fictional Middle Eastern Nation called Khandaq. Dwayne confirmed that Johnson's Black Adam character will be more of a anti-hero similar to his comic book counter part in recent years. Black Adam won't be a total super villain but he will be more of a complex and 3 dimensional super villain than your standard "twirling mustache villain." Which I'm excited about because I really enjoy troubled and more complex super villains such as Magneto from the X-Men series or Koba antagonist from recent Dawn of the Planet of the Apes movie. Type of villains that they don't see themselves as the "bad guys" but think there "accomplishing a greater good" just in a opposite direction than the protagonist. This role may help boost Dwayne Rock Johnson's career even more. The Rock has been staring in many worthy performances in the latest Fast & Furious series, Pain & Gain, Snitch and I thought personally he did awesome acting performance in Hercules regardless many people felt "Meh" or had negative feelings toward the Brett Ranter's Post X-Men 3: Last Stand directing. If this Shazam movie becomes successful critical and profitable hit than Dwayne may become a even huge and recognizable superhero hero action movie star more as Robert Downy Jr. But only time will tell when Black Adam and Shazam hit theaters sometime in year of 2016 or 2017. 

Also if you're interested to see Dywane's Twitter Page check below
"Kneel at his feet or get crushed by his boot." My honor to become..
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Gotham Will be streaming on Netflix!

Exciting news for Netflix streamers, Fox has announced that the Gotham TV show will be streaming on Netflix same as the CW Arrow show route. Beside the Us the streaming for many Netflix users will be Global for many foreign users in the UK, the Netherlands and including France and Germany. So if you're ready for Gotham and if you're a Netflix steamer like I am, be ready to tune in for Gotham on Netflix.

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