Saturday, June 7, 2014

Edge of Tomorrow Review

Edge of Tomorrow the Pros and the Cons 



First time I saw the trailer I thought Tom Cruise dying and repeating back and forth in the movie would be a horrible way to translate on screen. But after watching the movie, the traveling back and forth concept really was the most entertaining and funny that I have see in a movie. Every time each alien is killed they are able to become smarter and stronger every time they come back from the dead.  The repeat or should I say the "mimic" ability that Tom Cruise's character Cage has inside his blood is used as a clever plot device. When Cage was almost attack by a  Mimic he discovers that he could travel back where he started from every time he dies. Causing him and Emily Blunt's character Rita to know what's going to occur before it happens. 


The special effects are top notch from the lighting of the battlefield and the beautifully done explosions. Every scene felt like I was actually apart of the war itself. The Aliens themselves look really  menacing and out of the ordinary.The Aliens in this movie are beastly, quick as a speeding bullet and really unexpected as they dig through underground.The special effects makes this movie as a real life videogame adaptation done right.   

3. Character Development 

William Cage is force to fight in the war against the mimics after trying to blackmail the General so Cage wouldn't have to fight in the war. However, William is arrested and is force to fight in war that he isn't experience fighting in. When Cage discovers that he can repeat his day over again, he is later trained by Emily Blunt's character Rita to become a stronger military soldier. William Cage begins as a inexperience soldier but as the story progresses William Cage develops into  a nonstop killing machine. The development overall felt really natural and fast paced.     


1. The J Squad 

Even though the J Squad had there funny moments on screen together, I felt majority of their screen time was unnecessary. Each of them were boring undeveloped characters who were all all nothing more than squad of forgettable good for nothings.Most of their dialogue was cheesy and cringe worthy at best. These characters were nothing more than a group of soldiers to push the story forward and nothing extra for me to care about them. Also the woman on the far right has the most worst fake accent I heard in a movie for a longtime!   

2. The Shaky Cam 

The movie as whole is really visually impressive but some of the one-on-one fight scenes with the mimics took me out of the movie in some extent. It was bothering as a viewer of trying to see William Cage getting killed or fighting against a mimic up close as the camera kept on shaking away during when close up action were happening place. I felt some of the close up action scenes could have been detailed correctly and more focused. I just hated watching a action scene and  felt that the camera constantly pulling and shifting away. It would also have been more enjoyable to more scenes like in the beginning when a  Mimic's blood was melting William Cage's face off. More gruesome death scenes like that would give killing scenes extra empathizes instead seeing short quick transitions after William or Rita would get killed.          


Edge of Tomorrow is really a surprising action hit!

Edge of Tomorrow gets a


The List of the Cast 

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