Fox has plans for making a three separate origin spin offs of Mystique, Gambit and Deadpool.
I couldn't never imagine a Mystique film because she is suppose a "SUPER VILLAIN" but we all know Spider-Man villains are all going get there own individual movies so who knows what's in store Mystique.Its most likely Mystique will play more of a anti -hero than a standard villain such as a Magneto. I think Mystique will share a unique back story for both Rouge or Nightcrawler knowing Mystique is mother of both of them but I highly doubt they will tell that particular story lines. I think Mystique movie will also help boost Jennifer Lawrence career as an actor as well.
The most anticipated and favorable beloved Marvel character Deadpool is mention to have his own Origins movie among Gambit's and Mystique's. Deadpool would make a good introduction onto the big screen but the only gamble is if FOX studios will have the balls to make R-rated Deadpool or take the safe route and just make a standard PG-13, I know many Deadpool fans would dislike a PG-13 Deadpool but if is the only way they make the movie work for a whole audience not just a minority than so be it. I just always wanted Deadpool on the big screen period and realizing how many directors and writers are making superhero movies seriously and respectably I think is safe saying that this next upcoming Deadpool movie will be way better than that God awful Deadpool from the Wolverine Origins movie.
And what I mean that God Awful Deapool from Origins I mentioning that eye sore below
Now comment and tell me what's your favorite X-Men spin-off your most anticipated about.
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