2hrs ago Fox announced that a Deadpool is confirmed it will be released in February 12th 2016. Deadpool movie will come out before X-Men Apocalypse. Causing many comic book movies to dominate in the 2016 box office such as Batman V Superman, Captain America 3, Sinister Six movie, Venom movie, Dr. Strange movie, and a possible Shazam movie. Ever since that awful introduction of him in X-Men Origins: Wolverine its time do justice for the character but thankfully because X-Men Origins: Wolverine is supposed to be ignored because of the alternated timeline of Days of Future Past were going to have a different Wade Wilson than what we saw in Wolverine Origins. Deadpool will have a brand new storyline and whole new redeeming start. Hopefully the Merc with the Mouth won't be silenced like he was last time, so now we can finally see the true psychotic side of Deadpool but not have to disregard the funny and witty side of him. FOX has the chance to bring a obscure violent comic book character that can have the potential to break the forth wall. Ever since Guardians of the Galaxy the audience are willing to give a try many other unique characters that you can never image seeing the on big screen. Because of Deadpool's action packed and funny nature, there are many none comic book reading-movie going demographics that can possible gravitate for such a hysterical character. Ryan Renolds will also return for the character once again to show the audience Ryan Renolds is serious enough show the moments of Deadpool, which we will love to see. It also unconfirmed if this movie will be rated R or PG-13 but if I wanted to bet my money on gambling table I bet my money that Deadpool movie will be rated PG-13 so FOX can reach for wider audience than a limited audience.
So overall want do you think of the news are you excited for a Deadpool movie? If so comment below.
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