Monday, July 28, 2014

Can Last of Us work out as a 2 hour movie?

Last of Us will be adapted onto the big screen by director Sam Raimi director of the original Spider-Man Trilogy and the recent movie OZ and the Great and Powerful. The Story will be written by Neil Druckmann and the movie will be produced by Sam Raimi also will be  having help with Naughty Dog executive art directors. However, even though everything sounds promising will Last of Us work as a 2 hr motion picture? Here five reason I think there will be some difficulties to adapt a Last of Us film.  

1. Character Development  

Last of Us is known for its emotional scenes which also makes you emotionally attached to the characters. It works in a 14-15 hour game but can the audience be emotionally attached to the same characters that we play on are home television set? Throughout the game, players have the time be invested so you can know so much about the characters that your playing as but can a movie have enough to develop both Joel and Ellie? Emotional characters have surprised us in recent blockbusters such as movies like Dawn of the Planet, X-Men Days of Future Past and Edge of Tomorrow, but dose movies are originally made for movies. Even many people complain that human characters weren't better developed as the Apes. Similar to the same problem for Dawn of the Planet of Apes, Last of Us is a long game that guide the story for the players to learn and understand the characters through each emotional scene. I think it will be more difficult for the movie to focus on character development through out each progresses scene through Joel and Ellie's personal journey.       

2. Comparisons 

There is no argue there will be many average moviegoers pointing there fingers to the Last of Us movie poster or movie trailer complaining, "This looks like the Road with a girl" "Its Just a Walking Dead rip-off" "Looks like another Zombie apocalypse movie just with mushroom heads." Its sucks but its true, the Last of Us seems original videogame wise but movie wise there will be many people thinking it will be another cliche zombie movie  with a little different concept. I'm afraid there will be many people who haven't played the games think its just another play it by the books zombie movie. Similar what happen to Edge of Tomorrow domestically, many of them were bored of another Oblivion or deep driven sci-fi movie. Will moviegoers will do the same if they saw a serious tone Last of Us movie trailer? I hope the emotional story of Last of Us will interest average moviegoers to understand the concept of Last of Us before thinking its just another survival apocalypse movie that they have seen a doze times in the theaters.

3. The Casting 

You know how fans are every time they announced casting for popular comic book, videogame, and best selling novel movie adaptions there will always be a uproar among many fans. Will the casting director choose actors that can become the two favorite characters we beloved through out are progression in the game? I would love for them to choose better actors that won't overshadowed the characters but a little unknown old actor for Joel and talented upcoming child actors to play as Ellie. It will be disappointing to choose such a actor that his/her star power would distract us to see the characters that the actors are portraying to be. But I think casting won't be a big deal if the actors knock out of the park playing there roles right. 

4. The Narrative 

The narrative of Last of Us is kind of fragmented in cut scenes, when there is no cut scenes its mainly just game play and little of dialogue between each level or a specific scene. My personal problem of a Uncharted game becoming movie, Last of Us itself is already like a Hollywood motion picture so how can it be any different than a actual movie? The screenwriters/director has to make the Last of Us to be a little different to the source material or it will be the same scenes we have already seen or played. But I don't want the source material to be drastically changed if only it works better for the movie. Its more likely that the director has to fill in the gameplay filler segments with interesting narrative so the story can be paced smoothly. 

5. What The Fans Love 

The problems with videogame movies always sucking is that many movie directors take what's important of video games which many players love and the directors would throw away or changed the source material that know body aren't interested in. Last of Us is known for its drama, tension among characters, fear and development. Now throw that all way and turn it into a B rated cliche zombie action flick. I can understand many things work better on screen compared to a videogame but don't trash what many fans like about the videogame and changed it for the sake of making something entirely different that isn't relevant for the story or what makes the game so special. It maybe suitable for some movie book adaption such as Wold War Z but it doesn't mean it work for every movie. I want the Last of Us to be treated with care not be treated as just another action horror movie that will be forgotten less than a week after its release.  

Beside my personal concerns I'm truly excited for a Last of Us movie and I hope Sam Raimi can deliver what we loved about playing Last of Us. 

Follow the Renegade on Google + or my Johnny Boy Google plus account. 

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Wonder Woman Full Custom and Batman v. Superman Teaser!


DC comics has released the brand new photo shot of Wonder Woman during the DC Comics Panel Conference in San Diego Comic Con. Just from the look of the picture Gal Godot will be wearing amazonian armor similar that shown in many modern comics of Wonder Woman. In the background of the picture it seems that she is went through a harsh war or a epic battle. What I love about this custom and the picture in general is that Wonder Woman looks truly believable and straight up bad ass! Whatever you say about Gal Godot this gives me a little hope that she may embody the character but we have yet to see if she can become the character were so iconic with. 

Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice Character 


Director Zack Snyder released a Dawn of Justice teaser trailer of Batman v. Superman to only fans that arrived to the DC Panel. It appears that Ben Affleck Batman custom will be wearing heavy and bulky armor similar to its Dark Knight Returns Batman counterpart. Batman will always have the white eye leans on his mask just like the comics. The rest of trailer shows Superman staring down at Batman "white eyes"with his glowing "red eyes" ready to fire out heat vision. Then the trailer cuts and shows the Batman v. Superman logo in the trailer.  

Follow the Renegade on my Google + and my account!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Everything Marvel: Upcoming Marvel Movies, A Sinister Six release Date and Marvel poster

Marvel's Cinematic Universe Future Track Record 

It's Just Another Marvel Movie

Marvel have schedule movies up to 2017, 2018, and 2019 possibly all way to 2028 but that are is unknown as of right now. What we do know is Ant-Man (2015), Captain America three (2016),  Doctor Strange (rumored 2016) will be released during that following year. But What Marvel movies will fill up 2017, 2018 and 2019 year?

A List of Possible Marvels Films for 2017 bracket 

Black Panther (2017)

Black Panther can be a possibility because Black Panther story line fits in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. T'Challa's African Country Wakanda is a main source or virbranium. A source that is made within Captain America's shield. Black Panther story of being a young king of a powerful technology powerhouse of country will be a interesting tale within the Marvel Universe for Phase 3 or 4.

Inhumans (2017)

Knowing that Guardians of the Galaxy will be heading us to cosmic Universe it will be a nice entry for a Inhumans realm. In humans are fictional race of Superhumans that live in the of city Attilan a city of a race during when the normal human race was still evolving. They have close relations of earth based Mutants the X-Men and could be arguable described as the first Mutants that could be born.

 Black Window (2017)

I know it might be unlikely but I think it will be interesting to see a Black Widow movie that will enhance the espionage action in Marvel Universe same as did with the Captain America Winter Soldier movie. And because of audience are so familiar with Scarlett Johansson character it will be nice to see a lead female action hero in the Marvel Universe.

Marvel Movies of 2018 and 19 are up to the imagination or the announcement for Comic Con.

Amazing Spider-Man 3 is push up for 2018 for the Sinister Six Movie schedule to hit theaters 2016

No Spider-Man, no Aunt May no Uncle Ben's inspiring messages its all about the villains. In Amazing Spider-Man 2 kicked the beginning of villains for Electro, Rhino and Harry Osborn's Green Goblin and it seems we are getting more. In many Sinister Six story lines the Sinister Six is the greatest challenge for Peter Parker. Spider-Man must saved his friends, family and citizens of New York of the greatest rouge gallery all joined together. Many of fans loved them Sinister but how will they translate well in 2 hour movie? Will it be a 2 hour movie of Spider-Man's villains robbing banks, destroying the city or seeing how they all assembled? Movie without Spider-Man may not connect to the audience and I don't think many parents bringing there young kids won't be comfortable seeing a bunch of villains doing what they do best and that is ruining all of humanity. Now the reason why many of the audience could connect with the Maleficent character in a full feature movie is because Maleficent played as the anti-hero or understood character. The Sinister Six movie are not anti-heroes there just villains without hardly any morals or the have nothing left to loose. Without a specific hero like Spider-Man who can balance this movie out for someone to stop them, unless the members of the Sinister will be fighting themselves.

Topic Marvel Movie Posters

SDCC Marvel Ant-Man

Ant-Man shows out his wings with alongside Micheal Douglas. This Ant-Man really brings out the 80s vibe with past movie posters such as Blade Runner. This really brings out the fantastic and the promise of what were getting from a Ant-Man movie.

Also if you think these Posters are amazing check out the Avengers Age of Ultron Posters of Iron Man and Scarlet Witch! 

SDCC Marvel Iron Man

SDCC Marvel Scarlet Witch

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Friday, July 18, 2014

My Thoughts of the Top Three Marvel Topics of the Week!

Topic 1: Kate Mara's comments on Fantastic Four Reboot

"I'v Never been a fan of the comics, I've never actually read one. I was going to for this movie but the director said it wasn't necessary. Well actually he told us that we shouldn't do it because the plot won't be based on any history of anything published. So I chose to follow his instructions. The one fact is I am a fan of comic book movies, so it's very exciting to be a part of movie like this." 

Fans hate it her words with a passion Kate Mara has never read a FF comic or any comic book in her lifetime but should we all be really surprised? Majority of actors/actress of today has never look  or has not ever been a fan of the comics we see on screen. When a particular actor/actress ever do read a comic its most likely so they can learn and study the character there acting as. Now being a comic fan myself (but not truly never been a FF comic fan personally) I would like for Kate Mara to at least pick up one of the FF comics so she should at least understand the character which she is portraying to be. However, if the movie itself is going to be drastically different than what's the point following the stories that relates to Kate Mara's character Sue Storm. I hope that this movie won't drastically change from the comic, because in the end of the day many FF fans want to see a Fantastic Four movie. If this is not going to be a Fantastic Four than what's the point director Josh Trank calling it "Fantastic Four."  If Josh Trank is going for the Dark Knight Trilogy route than I'm all for it. Its obvious that Christopher Nola did use elements from many Batman stories such as The Long Halloween, Batman Year One and the Man Who Laughs for inspiration to make his own vision for his Batman movies. And I hope Josh Trank is doing the same with this Fantastic Four movie as well. He did a good job with Chronicle let's see he can handle this movie also. Many fans may feel isolated hearing the news for this movie but I'm all in board what Josh has in store for us for this brand new FF movie. 

Topic 2: Marvel's Diversifying the comics 

Times are changing especially what is happening to the new Marvel comics. Thor has been announced that Thor yes the actual female Thor is now confirmed to be a woman. Thor won't be another Valkyrie or just be called "Thor Girl" this will be the new Thor. Many are speculating if this Thor will replace Chris Hemsworth in the Marvel cinematic universe and the word is no. What happens in the comic book universe is separate from what happens in the cinematic universe. Now if someone Chris Hemsworth's Thor decide to quiet than Marvel Studio will green light this female Thor onto the big screen if the female Thor is executed on page. Steve Rogers is also having the same treatment as well. Steve Rogers is handing his shield to the possession same Sam Wilson a.k.a The Falcon. The African American character the Falcon was introduce to the movie going audience as a supporting superhero in Captain America: The Winter Soldier and now it looks like Falcon will becoming a leading avenger as thee Captain America. This is not the first time Captain America allow others to take up his mantle Bucky Barnes and the Patriot have made it reasonable that many can take up the Captain America symbol as Steve Rogers is no longer around. And I think Steve Rogers handing the symbol to Sam Wilson after losing his powers will be reasonable as we known that Sam Wilson is loyal to Steve Rogers throughout the years he known him. 

With all these changes  happening to Marvel recently I say is understandable that Marvel is trying diversify  there comics. Even though the Captain America movies are financially successful the comic sales for Captain America and Thor are dropped unfortunately. Marvel wants to widen the gate away for readers that will attract the attention to minorities and females. This new direction will help establish creative ways to lively up the characters and the story lines that have been somewhat overused and since the 1960s. However, I've notice many people would like to complain "why not make new characters?" Unlikely if they make female, black, Asian, Hispanic characters its most likely hardly no one won't read them and there issues will be overshadow by well known characters such as a Captain America, Iron Man, Spider-Man and the various X-Men titles. The reason a character such as a Miles Morals was received so well and was recognize so well is because Miles Morals wore the shoes of a character who is always very popular among the mainstream hardcore comic book readers and the average comic book reader (Spider-Man). If this action done by Marvel is successful I hope this direction will inspire original diverse characters that will one day become a part of the original Marvel line up.  

Topic 3: The Plot of the upcoming Avengers Age of Ultron 


The images of Avengers Age of Ultron are in and I must say the costumes may not look all that great but that didn't keep for X-Fans to stop loving Fox's Quicksliver from X-Men Days of Future Past. But other than what Quicksliver and Scarlet Witch appear to look like the plot of the Avengers is really intriguing. It seems that Ultron will become corrupted J.A.R.V.I.S. that will annihilate all of human existence. Ultron realized that the reason there is so much evil in the world is become of "our" existence. It seems that this movie will have a Terminator narrative feel. The Vision played by Paul Bettany will have a big part of the Avengers Sequel as also being the voice of J.A.R.V.I.S who many are speculating can Vision and J.A.R.V.I.S. will be the same person? However, Kevin Feige and Josh Wedon has not say anything on Vision since the characters announcement. 

Comment so I can know what's you're thoughts of Marvel's changes and controversial announcements on the Renegade. 
Also follow me on Google + account and the Renegade. 

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Review (May contain Major Spoilers)

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes The Pros and the Cons Warning may contain some Spoilers of the plot.  


1. The Emotional Depth

The emotional characters in the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes has to be the best I've seen in a blockbuster for a long time. The characters from both sides either if is the Humans or the Apes have interesting perspectives of  how they view their divided side. I like there wasn't just a wrong side or a blatantly evil side. Characters such as Cesear, Koba and Drefyus didn't felt one dimensional they all felt that they have grey areas within their reasoning's as of why they don't trust either side. Cesar a character from the first film has now developed into more of a leader and a caring father as for Koba, Koba is now developed into more of a torture soul that has desire to reek havoc against all of the human race. And Malcolm a grey area between the humans and the apes made Cesar to believe once again that all humans weren't all devils. Malcolm made Cesar to believe once again  humans can be trusted same as trusting an fellow ape.  

2. Andy Skiers's Performance 

Will somebody give this actor a award or some kind of recognition??? Forget his portrayal of him being a CGI character he played one of the best characters on screen that I have seen for ages. Andy Skiers brought life to Cesar regardless that Cesar is  fictional. Any Skiers worked really hard to bring life, emotion and visual strength out of a CGI character which I believe is really hard to do for most actors. Any Skiers's talent of acting made me believe and to be emotionally invested throughout Cesar's motivations and dilemmas as the film progressed.  

3. The Overall Visual Effects

In many scenes you can hardly tell that the visual effects were hardly noticeably or unnoticeable. The Visual effects or so impressive that you can see the realistic designs on the monkey's bodies and seeing the sweat and the wetness within each of their hair. The clearness of the visual effects made me almost believed I was seeing real life apes. The emotional expressions on almost every last ape was realistic and truly believable. But beside the apes the ruin world itself is also something to behold as well. With a world without electricity you can see vegetation grown on abandon buildings, cars, roads, houses etc. It felt like was watching the world of Last of Us a videogame that shares the same comparison to same world within this film. A world where many cities are ruin and forsaken but the nature itself is really beautiful to look at once more.  


1. The Underused Characters 

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (4)

Characters beside Cesar, Malcolm and Koba I felt were tad bit underused or not that fleshed out enough. Ellie beside that she was the doctor I thought she just played just the soft love interest for the lead male character. I wish Ellie was more of a stronger character among some of the lead actors. I thought some of the background humans were boring and unforgettable as well. Many of the humans in the movie to me were just there to just progress the story to move forward but failed to actually care about all of them.  

However the underused character topic as to be my only gripe about this film which doesn't effect how emotional driven and beautifully shot this movie is.



This movie is truly amazing blockbuster that blends with both mindless entertainment and also having a well thought narrative. So what you waiting for if you already saw it the first time go out see it second time!

Also become a follower on my Google + account or on the Renegade. 


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