Marvel's Cinematic Universe Future Track Record

Marvel have schedule movies up to 2017, 2018, and 2019 possibly all way to 2028 but that are is unknown as of right now. What we do know is Ant-Man (2015), Captain America three (2016), Doctor Strange (rumored 2016) will be released during that following year. But What Marvel movies will fill up 2017, 2018 and 2019 year?
A List of Possible Marvels Films for 2017 bracket
Black Panther (2017)

Black Panther can be a possibility because Black Panther story line fits in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. T'Challa's African Country Wakanda is a main source or virbranium. A source that is made within Captain America's shield. Black Panther story of being a young king of a powerful technology powerhouse of country will be a interesting tale within the Marvel Universe for Phase 3 or 4.
Inhumans (2017)

Knowing that Guardians of the Galaxy will be heading us to cosmic Universe it will be a nice entry for a Inhumans realm. In humans are fictional race of Superhumans that live in the of city Attilan a city of a race during when the normal human race was still evolving. They have close relations of earth based Mutants the X-Men and could be arguable described as the first Mutants that could be born.
Black Window (2017)

I know it might be unlikely but I think it will be interesting to see a Black Widow movie that will enhance the espionage action in Marvel Universe same as did with the Captain America Winter Soldier movie. And because of audience are so familiar with Scarlett Johansson character it will be nice to see a lead female action hero in the Marvel Universe.
Marvel Movies of 2018 and 19 are up to the imagination or the announcement for Comic Con.
Amazing Spider-Man 3 is push up for 2018 for the Sinister Six Movie schedule to hit theaters 2016

No Spider-Man, no Aunt May no Uncle Ben's inspiring messages its all about the villains. In Amazing Spider-Man 2 kicked the beginning of villains for Electro, Rhino and Harry Osborn's Green Goblin and it seems we are getting more. In many Sinister Six story lines the Sinister Six is the greatest challenge for Peter Parker. Spider-Man must saved his friends, family and citizens of New York of the greatest rouge gallery all joined together. Many of fans loved them Sinister but how will they translate well in 2 hour movie? Will it be a 2 hour movie of Spider-Man's villains robbing banks, destroying the city or seeing how they all assembled? Movie without Spider-Man may not connect to the audience and I don't think many parents bringing there young kids won't be comfortable seeing a bunch of villains doing what they do best and that is ruining all of humanity. Now the reason why many of the audience could connect with the Maleficent character in a full feature movie is because Maleficent played as the anti-hero or understood character. The Sinister Six movie are not anti-heroes there just villains without hardly any morals or the have nothing left to loose. Without a specific hero like Spider-Man who can balance this movie out for someone to stop them, unless the members of the Sinister will be fighting themselves.
Topic Marvel Movie Posters

Ant-Man shows out his wings with alongside Micheal Douglas. This Ant-Man really brings out the 80s vibe with past movie posters such as Blade Runner. This really brings out the fantastic and the promise of what were getting from a Ant-Man movie.
Also if you think these Posters are amazing check out the Avengers Age of Ultron Posters of Iron Man and Scarlet Witch!

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