Saturday, July 26, 2014

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Wonder Woman Full Custom and Batman v. Superman Teaser!


DC comics has released the brand new photo shot of Wonder Woman during the DC Comics Panel Conference in San Diego Comic Con. Just from the look of the picture Gal Godot will be wearing amazonian armor similar that shown in many modern comics of Wonder Woman. In the background of the picture it seems that she is went through a harsh war or a epic battle. What I love about this custom and the picture in general is that Wonder Woman looks truly believable and straight up bad ass! Whatever you say about Gal Godot this gives me a little hope that she may embody the character but we have yet to see if she can become the character were so iconic with. 

Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice Character 


Director Zack Snyder released a Dawn of Justice teaser trailer of Batman v. Superman to only fans that arrived to the DC Panel. It appears that Ben Affleck Batman custom will be wearing heavy and bulky armor similar to its Dark Knight Returns Batman counterpart. Batman will always have the white eye leans on his mask just like the comics. The rest of trailer shows Superman staring down at Batman "white eyes"with his glowing "red eyes" ready to fire out heat vision. Then the trailer cuts and shows the Batman v. Superman logo in the trailer.  

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