Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Four Reason as of why the DC cinematic Universe should have more Serious tone compared to Marvel's.

About week ago it was rumored that DC required a "No Joke Policy" for the DC Cinematic Universe even though it might have been a rumor many people were concerned of this small news. Many people scrutinize the Batman v Superman movie for having the same darker tone of Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy.  Because of this concern I would like to explain why a more serious tone Cinematic Universe could balance out Marvel more light-hearted universe in these short four reasons. 

1. DC's Cinematic Tone 

Marvel is really known for his more light hearted and action packed tone and DC has been recently have been making darker movies aside from Green Lantern movie with Ryan Reynolds. Before DC had announced a Man of Steel or a DC Cinematic Universe DC had been doing a lot of serious toned comic book movies such as V for Vendetta, History of Violence, The Losers, Watchmen, American Splendor and many more before Man of Steel or Dark Knight Trilogy arrived on the big screen. DC has a consistency of making more serious movies, so making them change there tone to be more like Marvel would not give them creative freedom to allow DC to make more grounded characters. Many people had problems with Man of Steel for being serious but regardless what you feelings toward the movie. Man of Steel showed the realism if Superman was a God among men. People reacted by calling the military against Superman and there was more destruction between Superman and General Zod unlike many other Superman movies. Man of Steel brought the serious tone and realism of what if a man with God like powers did came to our planet? Would will love Superman or would we will fear Superman? Man of Steel had the similar  realism that the recent or past X-Men fans had with their movies. DC has more of a cinematic tone compared to the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Tone where majority of the movies are more light hearted fun and exciting to praise upon. 

2. Originality 

I really enjoy the Marvel Cinematic Universe light hearted tone such as their Guardians of the Galaxy movie but it dose't mean I want that style on every movie. Captain America Winter Soldier and Iron Man had serious tones to make their movie have a ground breaking feel to it instead always trying be a joke fest such as Marvel movies like Thor The Dark World or Iron Man 3. I don't want DC trying to be like Marvel or trying capture Marvel's success. What I really want from DC is to have their own style and their own specific tone. I want DC to have more creative freedom to establish their own style and how they approach making their movies. I think it would be really boring for ever superhero movie trying to be the next Guardians of the Galaxy or the new Iron Man. We see want happen when DC tried to do Marvel's style with Green Lantern and it became a flop and we saw when Marvel tried to do more of a serious movie with Incredible Hulk and it under performed box office wise compared to the recent Marvel movies. DC should do to the original approach before everybody would  point their fingers at DC saying "their just copy Marvel style and success." 


3. A Different Audience Taste 

I don't speak for everybody but if you love more action packed, fun or exciting comic book movies you might tend to go with Marvel Cinematic Side. If you like more dramatic, cinematic or serious comic book movies than you might enjoy the DC cinematic universe little bit more. Everybody have different taste when going out to see a movie and not everybody won't like the same thing. Many people don't like majority of Marvel's movies because of its and light hearted feel and many didn't like Man of Steel because of how too serious it seemed. It will it be wise for DC and Marvel to have separated universes with different specific tones. One universe is more light hearted and more fun and the other one is more grounded in reality. The two universes's tone would likely please a certain group of audience because you're not going to please everybody with one specific tone. 

4. "DC's No Joke Rule"

Most likely this is a rumor when it was announced that DC will not allow having "jokes in their movies" which can be false but if Warner Bros. did actually meant what they say then let's dig deep what could be the meaning of the "No Jokes Rule?" Warner Bros. could have meant their not doing the kind of jokes what Marvel have done recently with their movies or can mean that Warner Bros are no longer playing around making terrible movies like a Green Lantern or a Jonah Hex. Beside people take things to heavily when people say that the Batman v Superman movie will fail for being too dark or serious. Which is silly because Man of Steel and Dark Knight movies that have more serious tones done successful going over their budget that allow Warner Bros to progress future sequels and continue with their cinematic universe. Also it seems like Batman v Superman will have subtle humor compared to Marvel where the humor isn't always blatantly throwing at you're face all time. Batman v, Superman will probably have a balance of humor to break the dramatic tension same with recent superhero movies such X-Men Days of Future Past and Captain America Winter Solider or the original Iron Man movie. It will be stupid for Batman v Superman movie without any Bat or Superman related puns in the movie. However, I don't think the Batman v Superman humor will be more relevant like the Thor Dark World style of humor where humor is  added every ten seconds breaking away the dramatic tension between some heavy handed scenes. I don't mind Batman v Superman movie to have humor nevertheless I just don't want to humor to dumb down the serious tone of the movie as well.

Well their's mine four reason why Marvel and DC Cinematic Universes should have a different tone and style. Feel free to agree or disagree with this topic on the comment section. 

Also follow the Renegade on my Google + account or my Johnny Boy account. 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Sin City 2 A Dame To Kill For: Review (May Contain Spoilers)

"Sin City is a place where you always want keep you're eyes open" so let's begin to unveil the moments of the dark corners of Sin City as I explain the Pros and the Cons of the sequel.


The Atmosphere of Sin City 

Sin City 2 A Dame to Kill For has everything you love from the first installment. This sequel has everything as to offer such as the sex, power, greed and the over all violence that makes this city so very much alive. Every corner on the street, every dark back alley and every whore house you'll see everything what makes this City so threatening. What I truly love about BaSIN City is the tone and pulp style. The City fits the consistence of all its dirty grimy characters that live among the turmoil. The Black & White gritty atmosphere of Sin City offers depth defying life of a God forsaken city. The City becomes its own character, which becomes its own worst nightmare to the residents who have to forced themselves to live in such a cesspool of utter crime. If you  miss everything what makes Sin City so special than Sin City 2 will surely won't not disappoint one Hell of ya bit.

The Sordid Characters  

 Each character's inner Sins haunts there quest for vengeance or there selfish gratitude. Each character segments has there own specific story which center around various enemies or one main specific enemy. Joseph Gordon Levitt's character Johnny who is a cocky smooth-talking-daring-gambler that also has a disturbing relationship with corrupt Senator Roark. Nancy is suffering mental issues after the aftermath of the death of Hartigan. And Marv intervenes with both Dwight, and Nancy Callahan personal goals as he becomes the brute who helps them both to help them obtain there vengeful desires. If you wanted more Marv and was unsatisfied of his screen time from the first movie, well no worries Marv becomes mainly the center point of the sequel. Marv is tougher, rugged, and disgusting as ever. Marv begins the movie smashing heads, knocking cop cars off the road and blasting goons heads off with assault rifles. Marv breaths and adsorb everything sinful about Sin City and lets all out by killing everybody that stands in his way, well if he feels like it that is. Ava the Dame that every man who wants to kill for is also a intriguing dame. Ava manipulates the very men who are weak enough that will do anything she wants with the use of the power of seductive sex. Ava reminds me of Poison Ivy in away, because with a simple kiss Ava can make any man to be her footstool.        

3D and Special Effects 

Personally I would rather watch a movie in 2D than 3D any day because its cheaper and it doesn't give you a headache after stepping out of the theater. Thankfully Sin City 2's 3D delivers regardless you're personal gripes of having to watch a movie in 3D. When every flashy scene comes right out you're face its like looking through a real life comic right a front of you. The Special Effects dose not feel like flashy throwaway effects at all. The special effects respectfully blends within closely to its source material. The Black & White creatively mixed with some color to balance the moods with each specific character or a certain situation. Such as Johnny's "lady luck" being very bright among the rest who are in black & white. Ava's eye being viper green and Marv's eyes turning red as he speaks with Dwight in a heated conversation about Eva inside the saloon. Nancy glowing effects every time she dances naughty on stage. The certain colors and the flashy effects brings out the life and characters in a gritty black & white world.


A Dame too Slow to Kill For 

Many scenes are engaging that you don't want to cut you're eyes away from the screen but sadly the Dwight story arch becomes dull throughout until it becomes interesting it'll the end. The actual Dame to Kill For Story is so long and stretched out you'll be thinking during the middle of the movie"I wonder what are the other more interesting characters doing?" Josh Brolin portrayal as Dwight makes you dreaming the possibilities as Clive Owen reprising the role as Dwight. Josh Brolin being the leading man felt boring and hollow compared to Owen's. However, the whole first segment felt so boring and slow until the end you wish you could fast forward through all the slow and uninteresting parts. No doubt seeing Eva Green's Boobs and brief sex scenes are fun to look at but it shouldn't tied down the story and pacing of a 2hr movie. Unlike the first Sin City the slow parts felt more engaging and interesting which made you to be more invested to see the next character's segment. Sadly the slow dragging scenes in Sin City 2 felt like you have to go through a boring old black & white melodrama without any interesting scenes to keep you a little in tuned throughout the story.

Bad Editing 

Beside the overlong scenes in Sin City I thought the editing for the movie was done very poorly. One of them is Mort's short segment as of him being a trusted husband, a slightly corrupt cop and being seduced by Eva Green's lustful body and seductive voice. In the middle of Dwight's story segment Mort's character felt so wasted to a point he shoots himself in the head and his story is just left out without any purpose or meaning. I thought Dwight's segment could have been edited out among many other long scenes. Also some of Johnny's scenes felt sloppily put together and some scenes just felt choppy. The hidden father and son chemistry between Johnny and Senator Roark's I thought it felt rushed and forgettable. Many character segment could have been cut down to save some of the audience a useful hour of their precious time.



Sin City keeps the classic Sin City style and tone as the first but there is no denying follows behind its better predecessor. 

Follow the Renegade on Google + or my Johnny Boy Google + Account 

Sin City 2 A Dame to Kill For Cast

Mickey Rourke...
Jessica Alba...
Josh Brolin...
Joseph Gordon-Levitt...
Rosario Dawson...
Bruce Willis...
Eva Green...
Powers Boothe...
Dennis Haysbert...
Ray Liotta...
Christopher Meloni...
Jeremy Piven...
Christopher Lloyd...
Jaime King...
Juno Temple...
Stacy Keach...
Marton Csokas...
Damien Lord
Jude Ciccolella...
Jamie Chung...
Julia Garner...
Lady Gaga...
Alexa PenaVega...
Patricia Vonne...
Bart Fletcher...
Alejandro Rose-Garcia...
Samuel Davis...
Frat Boy #3
Mike Davis...
Frat Boy #4
Kimberly Cox...
Alcides Dias...
Vincent Fuentes...
Billy Blair...
Rob Franco...
Daylon Walton...
Eloise DeJoria...
Joey's Wife
Bob Schreck...
Sylvia Froman...
Lawrence Varnado...
Jimmy Gonzales...
Tommy Townsend...
Wino Old Timer
Robert Lott...
Gregory Kelly...
Godzilla (as Gregory J. Kelly)
Patrick Sane...
Greg Ingram...
Will Beinbrink...
Dimitrius Pulido...
Maitre D
John Wirt...
Emmy Robbin...
Luis Albert Acevedo Jr....
Security Guard #1
Christian Bowman...
The Man
Johnny Reno...
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Holt Boggs...
Tourist (uncredited)
Gene Cervenka...
Guard (uncredited)
Mike Lobo Daniel...
Biker (uncredited)
Maria Engler...
Girl in the Bar (uncredited)
Heaven Elizabeth Fearn...
Old Town Girl (uncredited)
Rebecca Franchione...
Billionaire's Wife (uncredited)
Callie Hernandez...
Thelma (uncredited)
Lacey Hernandez...
Old Town Girl (uncredited)
Kea Ho...
Old Town Girl (uncredited)
Breona Horne...
Old Town Girl (uncredited)
Slim Khezri...
Biker (uncredited)
Stephen Latham...
Bar Patron (uncredited)
Johnny Lozano...
Thug (uncredited)
David Maldonado...
Tourist (uncredited)
Robin McGee...
Fat Al (uncredited)
Dan Murphy...
Businessman Sleeping On Train (uncredited)
Tanner Priest...
Bar Patron (uncredited)
Alex Sparrow...
Star in the Bar (uncredited)
Gary Teague...
Old Town Don (uncredited)