Friday, August 1, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy Movie Review and a Post Credit Scene Spoiler Review.

Guardians of the Galaxy Review! 

Guardians of the Galaxy a Space Opera that focus on five Space Crooks, Star Lord, Gamora, Drax, Groot and the infamous space rodent Rocket Raccoon. Has to travel across infinite worlds of the Galaxy to obtain a powerful orb that attracts evil threats among Galaxy. 

Here's my Pros and Cons        


The Humor 

The Humor in the Guardians of the Galaxy is spot on with amount of perfect timing. Every moment between the five characters felt real and funny. The humor doesn't feel forced like most comedies and comic book movies do "cough" Green Lantern   "cough." The humor in Guardians of the Galaxy fits the tone throughout the rest of the movie. What like about the humor in Guardians is that within every dark moment or action scene the humor and the actions blends together really well, without one overlapping the other. If the humor overlapped the action or the serious tone between scenes than the movie's tone wouldn't be well  focused. Surprisingly  this doesn't happens with Guardians of the Galaxy. Its refreshing that a superhero movie doesn't take itself too seriously from beginning all the way to the end. Guardians of the Galaxy knows perfectly what it is and has a blast proving it to the audience.    

The Chemistry between the Guardians 

If a team doesn't have chemistry or have some funny moments or some witty banter with one another than you're team is boring or it fails to make the audience believe this a team that cares one another. Thankfully this doesn't happens to Guardians of the Galaxy, similar to the Avengers each character didn't get along with one at first but in due time it took each character to understand one another. Same as any other team characters grow to understand there teammates points of views and personal motivations. Star Lord doesn't like Rocket Raccoon, Gamora wants to kill Star Lord to capture what he has, Drax wants to kill Gomra to reclaim his revenge and Groot just wants everyone to be friends. Each character has personal motivations, emotions, struggles and banter. This helps the Guardians to develop to learn how to become a team and also learn how to develop to become true best friends. One last thing to add, Rocket Raccoon and Groot are one of the finest animated duos I ever scene in a comic book movie! 

The Special Effects and Action Sequences 

The Action sequences make you beg for wanting more. Man it was truly blast, the fight scenes were quick and brutal. The images of the Galaxy are beautifully to look out. In some scenes I wanted to pause my screen and look at the worlds and the scenes of outer space so I can gaze upon in such awe. I never felt bored watching the movie throughout my time watching it. The actions scenes made me hold on to edge of my seat. Every action scene was well paced, engaging and really fun to just look at. The special effects are colorful, worlds are creatively beautiful and some of the alien races are often weird to look out but they look like you're classic old school alien civilians you would see in any Sci-fi pulp fiction western. Every scene and each inner galactic world felt lively and really imaginative.     

The CONS! 

A Boring Villain 

Many people like to have excuse when comes to a lead villain in a team up movie. "A lead villain in a beginning team up movie is to make him the main motivation for the team to assemble." Well I don't believe that personally every antagonist even from a non super hero movie should be interesting enough to  translate the story better. The Ronan the Accuser wasn't a interesting enough character to even root for or have a reason to hate him, he just felt like a backdrop villain for the real baddie Thanos. Ronan the Accuser is the same dumb down villain similar to Malkeith from Thor 2: The Dark World and the unforgettable villain from the first Star Trek Reboot. "Appetizer villain" like to refer them as who are villains who have no true weight. Ronan just felt like a villain who's only purpose was to motivate a team of protagonist to have a reason defeat him. Ronan the Accuser could have been handled a little more properly in my opinion instead of being handle as a mere plot device. 


A Out of Place Post End Credits Scene 

We've seen many amazing Post Credit scenes from many Marvel movies such as the Avengers, Iron Man, X-Men and many more from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But this end credit scene was a huge letdown. If you're waiting for a future Avengers 2 footage or Ant-Man footage than you're going to come out of the theater really disappointed. Howard the Duck which was one of Marvel's first feature films also Marvel's first bomb at the box office, is most waited and the most disappointing End Credit scene I ever saw! Howard the Duck could have been showed in the middle part of the movie when the Guardians of the Galaxy first went inside the Collectors fortress. It didn't ruin the movie as a whole but the Post Credit scene could have been handled much better. This lazy Post Credit scene didn't make me pump for the next future Marvel movie at all. And that's saying a lot!

 Beside my problems with Ronan the Accuser and the Post Credit Scene Guardians of the Galaxy is fun, charming and witty action Marvel movie. And the most original Marvel movie ever made. Go check out this weekend you won't be disappointed at the least.

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