Sunday, February 9, 2014

Daily Renegade Spoiler Review: Walking Dead Midseason Episode After

  In the beginning of the episode the story introduces with Michonne slashing zombies with her classic samurai sword nearby the ruin prison. We get a satisfying image  Governor lying dead grass with a gunshot wound in his forehead. Michonne decapitates two zombies and use them as a decoy or being undetected by other zombies like she was first introduce in season two. After Michonne's spotlight were both introduce to Rick and Carl Grimes. Rick is seen walking across the road with Carol weak as as Carl's walks ahead more vigilant and alert. In Carl's viewpoint you have a sense of insight that Carl as consume all the recent tragedies, violence and despair from the recent episodes.Carl has developed into more of independent character who isn't afraid of anyone especially from a Walker.                                                                                                  Finally Rick and Carl finds shelter in a abandon house.Inside the house Carl talks back and challenges Rick as they talk in the house. Rick notices that Carl isn't what he use to be that he is changing for the worst. Carl acts cold and angered but as you watch can you really blame him? The story also shows a short dream sequence of Michonne's past. Michonne shown in the dream as a clam loving housewife cutting food in the kitchen.                                                                                                                                              Michonne also uses her sword to cut the food as well. Looks like Michonne's sword isn't just use to chop off heads. Michonne's possible past views her character who once had humanity in her life.In the kitchen there are two African American men sitting by the kitchen table laughing and having a good time. Two of the men recalls Michonne as "honey."                                                                                                               As Michonne's dream begins to alternates the two men starts  talking about the zombie invasion as Michonne is seen holding a baby boy. The men finally changes into the men that Michonne use to use as pets so zombie wouldn't detect her. The dream gives a insight that Michonne use to have a peaceful life and she once was a mother before everything went to hell. Michonne soon wakes from the dream sequence and walks forth with a pack of Walkers. As Michonne walks with the pack of Walkers Michonne sees a female African American Walker who has the same dreadlocks similar to Michonne.                                                      Michonne looks at the Walker unease, like Michonne is seeing a dark mirror image of of herself. Back to Rick and Carl, Carl awakes up as Rick is unconscious on the couch.Carl decides to go outside to lower two Walkers outside the house. Carl acts cock eye as he lowers the two Walkers from the house not knowing there is a Walker lowering from behind him from the bushes. Carl kills three of Walkers feeling empowered and happy. Carl goes back to the house chatting to unconscious Rick of how he killed three Walkers all by himself.                                                                                                                                             From Carl's insulting dialogue Carl blames his father Rick of all deaths and tragedies he put on to his baby sister Judith, the love ones and the rest of group. Carl also mentions harshly that Rick would be better off "dead." Returning to Michonne's character Michonne walks with a pack of Walkers seeing the same Walker who shares the mirror image of herself. Michonne emotionally kills the Walker and slashes her way of out of the group of Walkers. After of all the Walkers are all died Michonne breaks out crying of her past and who she has become. However, wondering inside the house Carl stumbles upon a surprising Walker that almost gets the jump on Carl from inside a bedroom.                                                                                              The Walker almost effects Carl by trying to chew Carl's leg but Carl  fights his way out and escapes out the bedroom. Carl relax against the door that he trapped the Walker inside of. Carl writes on the door using a piece of yellow chalk  "Walker almost got my shoe." This scene shows that Carl feels that he can survive on his own and he can get away from any danger without Rick's help. Carl is seen again calmly sitting on a roof eating a box of pudding as a zombie tries to reach for him through a open window. We return from Michonne's point of view of her tying to retrace Rick and Carl's footprints. Michonne walks inside the same  shack where Rick and Carl was trying to find food and random supplies. Michonne sits by open door saying how much she miss her beloved "Mike."                                                                                                             Another emotional scene that Michonne use to care and love someone dearly before she turn into a cold vengeful being she has become. Coming back to Rick and Carl to the end Carl sits beside unconscious Rick. Rick slowly tries to get up off the couch making Carl thinking that Rick as turn into a Walker. Carl aims his gun to weaken Rick but Carl has no willingness to kill his own father even if he is a Walker. Thankfully Rick recalls Carl, as "Carl" which gives Carl a message that Rick isn't turn into a Walker. Rick and Carl consult one another as Carl apologizes to Rick of all the wrong sayings he did Rick as he was conscious and unconscious.                                                                                                                                 In the of the story Rick refers Carl as a "man." Carl accepts Rick gratitude finally realizing that Carl can be independent just like his father. In the end of show Rick and Carl notices that some is by the front door. Rick briefly laughs Carl is alert. Rick replies to Carl, "Its for you." So dose this means that can the person behind the door is the same Walker that tried to kill Carl earlier before or can it be Michonne who is trying to find both Rick and Carla after the destruction of the prison?
         My overall thoughts of this recent episode is that I really enjoyed this episode. This show delivered me good depth and showed me great development into Carl's character. Carl isn't just the scared  little son he like he was in the first episodes. This episode showed me that Carl can be strong, arrogant and dangerous all in the same time. I loved the insight of Michonne's hidden past. We finally know that Michonne isn't just a bad ass head chopping zombie slayer but something more to her entirely. My only gripe is I wish we would've of seen the other characters after there escape from the prison. But sadly we'll have to seem next week I suppose.  
My overall rating has to be 
Let me know what's your thoughts of Walking Dead New episode and please leave a comment. 


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