Thursday, February 6, 2014

Daily Renegade Topics: Four Marvel Reboots that need to happen in the future.

These are my Four Marvel Reboot should come back to the big screen.

Number One A Daredevil Reboot.
The original Daredevil movie that was released in a decade ago was a huge disappointment for the quality of the character. Daredevil and Elektra fighting on top of a teeter totter scene um no... I know there making a Netflix series of Daredevil schedule for release in 2015 but in a cinematic version I would like to see a Bendis Daredevil adaptation. Bendis run of Daredevil is so complex and it the stories show depth of Matt Murdock's character. If the reboot is done right I can see a Batman Begins version of Daredevil that  fans would go crazy for.

Number Two A Punisher Reboot

Yes I know Punisher had three tries and they all sucked  all way back to since the awful 80s Punisher of him fighting against the Yakuza and when he didn't even had the SKULL ON HIS CHEST! The short film Dirty Laundry that was shown in San Diego comic con with Thomas Jane as acting Punsiher gave me hope that a Punisher adaptation can at least work some day. If they ever do a Punisher reboot I would like to see a MAX version of Punisher. Gritty emotional, realistic revenge driven  story. If they can make a Wire, Sons of Anarchy, Breaking Bad and hundred cop shows on TV to be good than I see no reason what makes Punisher so hard to do. The down side of even seeing a future reboot of Punisher is the Disney/Marvel involvement. I don't see Marvel and Disney taking such a risk with a Hard R character. Maybe one day we will see Frank Castle on the big screen and which, will finally see his rightful bloody treatment.

Number Three: A Elektra Reboot
First appearance in the Daredevil movie and then died, then a few years later Elektra had her own movie that also failed. Ugh where's the love. Many others may not see it but I think Elektra should have better treatment as being such as awesome ninja chick that we all know from the Frank Miller  Daredevil comics. Elektra has potential of having a good dark mature movie. The reason that I'm skeptical and I'm afraid if they ever make another attempt of a Elektra movie. It will become a shallow comparison to the Underworld movies or the Resident Evil movies. Movies that all have strong female lends but all fail story wise and critic wise. I want Elektra to have a good and well performed reboot not something that will only be looked upon as another Underworld movie but with ninjas.

Number Four: A Blade Reboot

Since Blade's absence after that disappointment Blade Trinity vampire movies have gone to the light and not in a good way. Teenage Vampire movies such as Twilight have destroy are faith of seeing a bad ass vampire movies. A major reason why Blade needs to come back to prove us all again what are vampires truly about. Marvel have rights back from FOX so we might see a future Blade reboot in future but its most likely Marvel will give the rights to  Blade to another studio. Same as Punisher's predicament I doubt Disney/Marvel will take a chance of a bloody Hard R Blade movie. And I know every fan don't want to see a water down PG-13 version of Blade.

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