Sunday, May 4, 2014

Amazing Spider-Man 2 Review: The Pros and Cons (Spoilers)

In my review I will be explaining the Good and Bad of Amazing Spider-Man review starting off with the Three Good reasons, Three Bad Reasons and a Overall verdict.


1. Spider-Man's Personality 

Director Marc Webb nails Peter Parker's alter ego of Spider-Man perfectly. This Spider-Man in this movie  really close to its comic book counterpart. In this film Spider-Man energetic, a wisecracker and all time web slinging badass. What I really like is when Peter Parker becomes Spider-Man he turns into a entirely different persona than many people don't perceive him to be as, instead of Gwen Stacey of course.

2. The Relationship between Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy 

 Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy have so much better chemistry compared to Peter and Mary Jane's relationship played by Toby McGuire and Kristen Dust. Peter Parker wants to protect Gwen Stacy from being any kind of harm, so he can keep Gwen's father oath that he will. Gwen wants to stay beside Peter Parker's side so she can prove to him that she is strong enough help Peter, even when he is fighting a super villain that kill her with a bolt. Gwen Stacy is a love interest who doesn't just get kidnap and cry for help like a typical blonde damsel but a woman who can be strong enough to be with Parker's side when there are impossible odds.

3. Death of Gwen Stacy.

The seen where Peter Parker fails to save Gwen Stacy from grips of Green Goblin and face to realize that Gwen hits her head on the pavement or probably snapped her neck from Spider-Man's own web. The seen is so well done it really prove to Peter Parker/Spider-Man that he can't always save everyone with the use of a web shot. It really shows Peter Parker the real sad reality of being a superhero.


1. The Villains and the Development

The villains in the movie was really poorly paced. The movie fails to develop Electro played by actor Jamie Fox, Green Goblin played by Dane DaHaan and the Rhino played by Paul Giamatti who especially have a pointless scene in the movie beginning to the end and could played by anybody else. Before Max Dillon became the Electro he viewed as a nobody among everyone he works for and to whoever he encounters. Max is portrayed to be a obsessed Spider-Man fan who oddly talks to himself. When Max becomes the Electro after being electrocuted by a tank of eels inside Oscorp lab. In the first scene as Electro, he is viewed to the people standing around Time Square as a super powered electrifying menace. Not knowing Electro is is unaware of his own powers. Electro starts off as a simple villain who wants to be a "somebody" and he thinks he is finally a somebody when he sees his face on the many screens in Time Square. However, when Spider-Man arrives and steals his spotlight Electro development goes out the window and becomes a boring cartoony villain who only wants to blackout New York and kill Spider-Man. Electro motive is kinda of similar to Batman and Robin's Riddler where he is a jealous of the hero of the film. Harry Osborn/Green Goblin has so much potential all of the villains but sadly he gets the Venom in Spider-Man 3 treatment. Harry Osborn and Peter Parker in the middle of the film shares a good chemistry of being believable long time friends, what also think would've been a key element to this story line. But when Harry Osborn becomes Green Goblin that character development becomes a waste. To me Green Goblin felt so rushed, it seems Goblin was only for to be in the movie to have two perspective plot device and that is to kill off Gwen Stacy and be a member of the Sinister Six. Last and diffidently the least Rhino. Paul Giamatti is great actor and seeing him as the Rhino in this movie is a utterly embarrassing. Rhino is in the beginning of the film acting only as a loud mouth stereotypical Russian gangster. Spider-Man defeats "Rhino" in the beginning  who later appears in the very end to only revamp Peter Parker's purpose to be a superhero again. Even though Rhino has a purpose in future sequels, Rhino felt  nothing as a shoehorn backdrop character whose only soul purpose is to have part in the Sinister Six movie. And also the kid in the end confronting the Rhino in the middle of the street was really unnecessary and campy.

2. The Off Again and On Again Relationship

Oh Marc Webb sometimes it works sometimes its just plain annoying. Some scenes between Parker and Gwen Stacy's relationship worked really well but as for many other scenes it just didn't match together. Peter Parker often breaks up with Gwen because he is afraid he will endanger her life, then Gwen Stacy wants to get back together because she believes in second chances. Then Peter Parker breaks up with Gwen again because he thinks its probably for the best and then they are seen together inside a closet kissing in Oscorp, because they clearly have thing for each other. Then finally there officially back together again and then well later she dies...those kinds of scenes I felt dragged way to long. The story of Peter Parker and Gwen's relationship made it way too complicated..  

3. The Tone and the Everywhere Narrative 

From beginning to the end the Marc Webb doesn't know what he what the tone of Amazing Spider-Man movie to be. Dose he want Amazing Spider-Man a light hearted fun Superhero movie, dose he wants the tone to be a drama, dose he wants the tone to be a romance? What its shown from the movie seems to show Marc doesn't really know what kind of tone he wants for his movie. However, the confusing tone dose not bother me worst than messy narrative.It's alright for movie to have one and sometimes two Subplots but the movie itself can become a mess and Amazing Spider-Man 2 narrative suffers because of it. At the beginning of the movie Peter Parker tries to find the reasoning of death of his parents mainly his father who use to work for Oscorp when he was really young. When Peter Parker discover the reason why he is father was assassinated on the plane he reveals the reason that he we the audience already know from watching the beginning of Amazing Spider-Man 1 and the halfway through Amazing Spider-Man 2 that obviously Oscorp is a corporation that are "doing evil shady plans." There is so much going on with the narrative such as Harry Osborn wanting to inject himself with the use of Peter Parker's mutated blood to rid himself from his father's hereditary illness. Peter Parker trying to solve his complicated relationship with his girlfriend Gwen Stacy. And in the middle of all this Marc Webb tries to develop both Green Goblin and Electro's motives in middle of the film. And did I forget to address Rhino is destroying the city once again? These narrative problems makes the movie drag and turns a simple story allover the place.  


Overall Amazing Spider-Man have awesome action sequences, great fight scenes, great chemistry with Gwen Stacy and Harry Osborn. But suffers from its confusing tone and muddled  overcrowded narrative.  

Overall this movie is a 


Its a fair movie but not truly amazing what I wanted it to be. Hopefully they will fix all of its mistake with the third installment. 

So please comment and follow me on my blog of what your feelings of Amazing Spider-Man.

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