Monday, May 26, 2014

Three Future Alternationsof X-Men Days of Future Past (Major Spoilers)

Due to X-Men Days of Future Past have alternated the timeline between the year 1973 and 2023 there is finally room to make a brand new retelling of future X-Men movies. 

The Weapon X Program 

Let's face X-Men Origins: Wolverine was a complete mess, due to Wolverine being erased by a silver bullet, Deadpool having his mouth shut and obtaining braka claws and Sabertooth being brothers with Wolverine. Because of the changed timeline in X-Men Days of Future Past have alternated FOX can finally make a fresh retelling of Wolverine volunteering in the Weapon X program and how Wolverine meet William Stryker during the process. Wolverine will probably gain adamantium claws during the mid or late 70s and knowing from the ending of Days of Future Past Mystique has some sort of vendetta against William Stryker. But rebooting Wolverine's Origin will not be in effect probably more years to come. So as for right now its only an idea.   

A New Generation of X-Men 

Bryan Singer announced that X-Men Apocalypse will set in the 1980s and there will be casting roles for to be younger Storm, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Quicksilver and other characters such as Nightcrawler and Gambit. It seems that Charles Xavier and Beast are recruiting new X-Men to help defeat Apocalypse for destroying existing of humankind. Its unknown that the original older roles of X-Men are going to recast if so then I won't be bothered like to see new talent.And will love \

Wolverine and the X-Men 

Like many other X-Fans such as myself I would love to see a X-Men movie that doesn't have Wolverine as the star of the X-Movies but one way or another Wolverine has to be featured in the movies one way or another. In future of 2023 Wolverine is seen to be a already member and teacher for both the X-Men and Charles Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters. But the bigger questions is how did Wolverine manage to meet Charles Xavier and to be X-Man during that decade gap between 1973 and 2023? Because Bryan Singer had to sacrifice half of X-Men Franchise including his own directed movies X-Men 1 and 2, it seems Bryan Singer has to feel in the gap as of how did Wolverine managed to become a member of the X-Men in future. Including how did he manged to obtain is adamantium claws.   

So here are my three Alternated gaps to restart a fresh new continuity for more X-Men squeals. If you got any answers to fix my speculations just discuss with me at the comment section below. 

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